Here are the questions and my answers:
1. What started it all off for you?
I heard about parabens on a youtube chanel and decided I would investigate to see why everyone seemed to be avoiding them!
2. What was the first thing to go? (Ingredient or product)
Parabens were the first thing to go for me then I bought the book "There's lead in your Lipstick" and my first product to replace completely was my my non natural deodorants.
3. What are you or what did you struggle to let go of?
Lipsticks...they are my weakness! There are some great natural alternatives on Silk Naturals! My favourite lippy I have tried from them is Pose. They also have a ton of other great colours.
(Image from Silk Naturals site)
4. What has been your best find? (i.e a green product or a tip that you're really glad you've found/learnt)
Coconut Oil! It is the greatest makeup remover ever. I will never buy another makeup remover again! Plus I occasionally use it for oil pulling and cooking!
5. What has been the worst thing about going green? What has been the hardest to transition or find an adequate green replacement of?
The worst thing about going green is greenwashing. Various times I would buy something thinking it was perfect only to find out a certain ingredient wasn't that good!
6. Anything else to add? Any tips or tricks to pass on?
Read the labels EVERY TIME! If you just assume everything in a brand is good you may get stuck buying a product with a nasty ingredient you wish you hadn't purchased! I would also suggest reading "There's Lead in your Lipstick". It is an excellent resource for information on products to avoid and suitable replacements.
I TAG you to do this also! Leave me your answers in the comments!